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Indeed they were

And Danked is right, there should be one Jack
Please change your sig to "I am the two."

Edited By Danked on 1052326400
Or at the very least the Jack's should be the same to simulate the whole bullettime effect.

One is for the old Evil Jack, and the other represents the new reformed good Jack.
Then change it to, I am NOW the one
It's all about the unity of me. The one and only Jack.
Oh.. and the control of all the code thing.... forgot about that.
So just cause he's the black Jack he's evil?

Fucking racist.
Then there should be one Jack card in the front that really stands out and the other two faded into the background
And a Spade no less. :17:
jack put way to much thought into his sig idea
No he didn't, that's the problem
the fact he thought it out as much as he did is to much to begin with
its a horrible sig
you guys are awful mean
I can't help it if my sig puts everyone else's to shame
You stole an 80's video game image....let's not get all high and mighty now
Technically Jays stole an 80s video game image

It is all part of Sleepers brilliant plan to stay guilt free.
so which version of MS paint did you use to make yours?
Excuse me, but I never claimed, nor would I ever claim that my sigs rock. I have limited time (and I'll beat you to this one....talent) to invest into making a killer sig. So I put up what amuses me and is easy to do. BTW, it wasn't MS Paint, it was a program called IrfanView.
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