Full Version: Famous people you despise - and wish were dead
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Reach a little higher Arpi.
is that a ceiling reference? i am not sure. really

I ain't explainin shit to you. :21:
Quote:Matt Lauer
...i can't imagine why :23:
Reagan was a great president.
you should be stabbed in the eye
If you were actually rich instead of being a poseur, you would want to lick his hairy toes for dropping the highest marginal tax rate from 90%. He also forced the soviet union to spend themselves into extinction so we could stop the arms race and spend 15 years investing in business.
he also turned us from the biggest creditor nation in the world to the largest debtor nation. he laid the groundwork for vast ecological destruction, and he married nancy. nuff said.

Quote:If you were actually rich
i am not rich but i have lots of money. i am just able to see beyond myself and see how he fucked up this nation.
How does us being a debtor nation impact us negatively? Did taxes go up, no he lowered them significantly. Did it negatively impact our economy? No it boomed for 20 years. In fact, one could argue that it helped globalization of the economy which benefitted the US exponentially over the last decade. And don't mention the stock market crash, that had to do with investors being stupid (myself included), not economics.

And the environment? Who gives a rat's ass. The environment has shown to be very resilient. If we tried, we couldn't ruin the environment. Exxon Valdez was supposed to be an environmental disaster for centuries, but like 5 years later it was like it never happened. And no, it wasn't because of the 500 Greenpeace freaks giving ducks baths, it was because Mother Nature is a powerful bitch and can clean herself up or destroy anything humans try and build.
Andy Dick (he's served his purpose)
Stevie Nicks
Anyone that's been featured on SNL in recent years excluding Will Ferrell
i will be happy to debate this with you, but you have already proved yourself to be unknowledgable in stocks and banking. Are you sure you want to go for the trifecta and have me spank you in politics?
Anyone who's done a 1-800-CALL-ATT commercial
Kathy Griffin
Quote:Anyone who's done a 1-800-CALL-ATT commercial
Except Alyssa Milano please :18:
julia styles
Sean P Diddy Puff Daddy wha'er Combs
Quote:Anyone that's been featured on SNL in recent years excluding Will Ferrell
except tina fey. she is hot!!

i despise kathy griffin!
Eek! Yes, Tina Fey makes the cut. She shall be saved.

Reese Witherspoon must watch Ryan Phlippe die, then she goes too.

Edited By Danked on 1052774864
whew!! i sort of like amy poehler too but if she has to go to save tina, then so be it.
I don't know who that is.
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