Full Version: I am lost
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arpi has not told me where or how to post,

in so so very long.

I am a ship without a rudder.
go attack jack here, and make lots of maynard is gay jokes on ent unlimited. that is all
Where'd Jack's coming out thread go?
Can we call him gay in two threads now? :5:
should I post anything at yer mom's box....

It's fun, when I post there, it echos for a very long time.
post attacks on mylf and toronto hottie
that doesn't sound very interesting or challenging.
i rely on your imagination and wit to turn my boring assignments into something with a little flair.

you could also tweak alkie about how he really has no power on his board cause he is scared of ftl.

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1052767281
I hold the purse.
FTL's and Silera's?
Silera doesn't use a purse.
you kill threads here too......
Can't kill what's already dead.
find your roots,
return to that poster that made me laugh, all those years ago.
You first. :39:
Alkey was funny when he had to post for laughs,
then he went to bar 9 and his "ear" superceded wit.
arpi's anti-women tirade just shows his closet door crumbling.