Full Version: the pizza club
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I had pizza for dinner :banana:
now i want pizza Undecided
it was Boboli pizza, with mozzerella and cheddar cheese.
turtle club > pizza club
as much as i'm a fan of turtles, pizza is much more universal
who doesn't love pizza
[Image: cattc.jpg]
mmmm turtle pizza :5:
i bet horatio sanz likes pizza
he can be an honorary member
I have pizza like 4 times a week. Its very addicting
bring me some?
I had pizza for lunch and dinner today, i demand co-ownership
are you anti-sanz?
I have Dominoes in my fridge right now. And I have Elios in my freezer....the cheese in the microwave goes blub blub blub.

I am never pizza free.
Dominos is not pizza Rolleyes

calamari and black olives
i can go for some pizza with mushrooms
[Image: rs.jpg]
Go, then.

Go far, far away.
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