Full Version: THE pizza club
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yea, tina fey never laughs at her own jokes during weekend update
Death to Jimmy Fallon as well.
The difference is she doesn't ALWAYS do it.
Quote:yea, tina fey never laughs at her own jokes during weekend update
a coy giggle is not the same as horatio's sketch ruining belly laughs. he can barely stand up or say his lines when he gets going.
i like peppers and onions on my pizza :5:
and fallon drinks at my local tavern and he is a really cool guy. always buys the bar a couple of rounds at around 3
Stop changing the subject, Hybrid.
unlike hedcolds pizza club of oppresion, subject changing is allowed here.
She can do whatever she wants. She's the head writer...
Back on topic!

I wanna' fuck Tina!
can i have a cool pizza sig too?
everyone in my club gets one :thumbs-up:
So, you're the only one who gets one? Rolleyes
soo, where's your local tavern?
looking to catch me when i am drunk so ou can take advantage of me? slut! oh yeah baby!
Quote:So, you're the only one who gets one?
its part of the perks
oh, you uh, yeah, that's it :10:
baghdad bob says THE pizza club is filled with infadels
infidels. people in THE pizza club knew the correct spelling of that word
baghdad bob told me it that way, who am i to correct him
and he's not a member anyway
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