Full Version: Matrix Reloaded
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i need a nap. that was so Damn awesome.
wasnt the little asian guy the best?
The movie kicked some serious ass....

me me me me me... me too
what i thought was awesome was that the things that were supposed to be funny....were. a lot of jokes in action movies usually fall flat.
Xion sucked. Rest of movie was good. Fight scenes were great.
Quote:I haven't seen it yet, but like the first one, I'd say it sucks and is very negative about human nature and freewill.
you were right about the last part.
it didn't suck though, but it was no kingpin
you wanna join your buddies too?
heh.. it's funny cause he doesn't know
i figured it out
can't i just mock them instead?
is that a yes?
maybe you better start bowing.
i'll take that as a yes
Quote:triciaj76: I'M ON A RAMPAGE
I've seen it three times

I want to kill the fucking Colonel Sanders looking guy
did you see it 3 times in the theaters? or did you download it?
every version out on the internet isnt worth the time to download so far. none of them have above a 5 in sound and video (out of 10)
thats why i asked
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