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OK fuck this spoiler shit. I hate highlighting. If you don't want spoilers. Don't read hte thread from now on.

And if the box within a box was going to happen Reeves would just say no comment. But the fact that he said the Wachowski Brothers were flat out against it shows that its not going to take place.

Also the fact that Neo senses the machines in the real world makes more sense if you realize hes part Smith.
When did he say they were against it?

I've heard him say HE thinks it's a cop-out but I haven't heard him say they were against it.
Reeves said they weren't going to do it because THEY thought it was a cop-out.
the star wars 3 preview is better..

Episode 3 trailer
A few thoughts...

1. The amount of speculation about what actually happens in the movie is one thing that makes the movie great.

2. If you want to checkout the cut scenes from Enter The Matrix go here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

3. I wish there were no action scenes in the movie just so people that aren't into the story wouldn't even go to see it.
cky song...good shit
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