Full Version: NBA JAM - its back...
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... not really...
yeah well american idol sucks!!!!! :fart:
... I downloaded the trailer... what's so innovative and refreshing? The Lakers are the team to beat? Ewing's now retired? They took away the big heads--- wait, no, those are still there...

Seriously, I bet I could break out my Super NES and play NBA Jam and get the same type of refreshing game play, besides the fact that the Knicks would be the best team in the game...
i'll rent it. i loved the original.
that game was mean. It used to say my missed shots sucked and that i was horrible
... I never heard that ..... I only heard "HE'S HEATING UP!" and then "HE'S ON FIRE!"
I always heard shit like "Slam a lama ding dong" or some shit like that.