Full Version: anyone wanna buy some of my old comic books
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Pages: 1 2
What? No Batman? pfft :21:
What was the relationship between Batman and Robin. This older guy who lives in a cave with a teenage boy :22: Confusedneak:
they were fags.
* Vertigo>DC>Marvel
So are you a hippie or a comic book/computer geek?

Please make up your mind, fuckstain.
I can't be both?

:bow: [Image: th2_7460248.jpg]
Sure why not. It was a free country at some point in time.
Do you have any old Aquaman, Despite what Ken thinks, He was the best
I only have the one where he lost his hand. :-(

Pretty good issue though.
vertigo=dc...just a better version...and aquaman is gay...namor is where its at
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