Full Version: Who's a cunt?
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Pages: 1 2
TRISH! :39:
i didn't have pizza today :-(
where did all these people come from?
well you see, there are birds ... and bees, see :10:
...we're all victims of Trish's CUNTFEST'03...

well.... except for Ladi... but, i think she's just here cuz all the dicks are hanging in here :39:
what do these supposed birds and bees have to do with them? did they drop there here?
Quote:well.... except for Ladi...
i can fix that too :bouncer:
is there anyone who isn't here?
:bow: anyone bring beer?
if it had a 33 on it, its gone now
ok, then can we jump right to the prison sex :banana:
no thankyou, i am sad to be taken away from all of the excitment that was the astrology forum. perhaps later who didn't see that coming... Rolleyes
ski didn't, that's why he needed the astrology forum
is there a :raises hand: icon?
it sure is getting crowded in here.
Pages: 1 2