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I never thought I'd see the day Arpi made you his bitch.

I might leave. :29:
I've been drinking a lot lately.

i'll start typdeohong leike thsi frmo nwo on so u knw wheebn I am druenk.

Its what everyone else does to point out their drunkeness
Then you'll throw us all in the cell for no reason?

I just might!!!!!
Drinking never solves anything Rolleyes
Sure it does. Wait... no. It just makes you ask more questions.
Quote:Oh, and I'll be there on the 23rd.
Oh by the way

for those coming, we will probably be upstairs in the bar, they have comfy couches up there and such.

I'm guessing start time around 8?
i wish i could go...but, alas. :17:
i will be there from 5-7. i am not hanging out in the city till 8
christ. plug that vagina of yours up.
make me!
[Image: cork.jpg]
gooch =
You are so 2002.
Quote:i will be there from 5-7. i am not hanging out in the city till 8

you will be there at 8 dammit!!!!
pffft party alone then.
I can't make it :-(
i get out of work at 4 and then i amn in the city by 5. i am not going home to astoria and then coming back, especially if trish isnt going to be there. if she were going i might consider it.
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