Full Version: yup, its that time again
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In this case I might vote with my stomach - a pizza forum sounds really good...
yay danked!!!
I feel dirty.
that feeling will pass and soon it will feel natural. trust me
Dirty! Dirty! Bad! Naughty


I voted Arpi.... :bow: :bow: :5: :4: :4:
I'm not so sure if a pizza forum is worth feeling dirty all over...can I sleep on it?
Dirty pizza!

Naughty pizza!
pizza is good, pizza is your friend, pizza never gets angry at you and tells you you are worthless.
can we have pizza with anchovies in the forum?
Pizza... is my friend... ?
pizza consoles you in your time of need
pizza is always your friend. pizza is better than a friend. pizza never fucks your girlfriend behind your back.
Pizza is good.
white pizza with rigotta on it is bliss
White pizza with rigotta on it... is bliss ....
That's how they say it on the sopranos so they wanna sound more italian.
Arpi if I vote for you will you make a Newsradio forum?
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