Full Version: yup, its that time again
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forget it goatweed. jacks inability to keep the vote fair and the other guys disrespect have tainted the whole thread. i dont want it now.
so that means no pizza forum now? Dammit!!
nope. the dream is officially over. i will not do this again.
Well, I for one will miss all this, along with the old, angry Apri...
but, i want pizza :-(
crx, please delete this thread
I vote that we all calm down and have some nice, tasty chicken fingers with hot sauce. They bring people together, you know.
chicken rings > chicken fingers
You mean white castle rings? I never got up the nerve to try them. They look kinda scary.
don't be afraid, they rock :thumbs-up:
Okay, I'll try 'em, but If they suck, you're gonna have some answering to do, mister.
this thread deserves this treatment
Hey, you started It.
for that i am sorry
keep it...another clear and resounding loss. Arpi's like the Jese Jackson of cdih.
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