Full Version: Once and for all, choose arpis fate. - this is the vote that counts
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come and get me, you Morrissey listening faggot.
by the way, my vote was contingent on the outcome.
i love the smiths. i do , i do!

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1053479099
<--- still hasn't voted yet. :fuggin:

Thanks Jack.
you were drunk and nulled your vote. we know it , you know it.

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1053481232
You talk too much. Just once I'd like to see you back up that mouth of yours.
have you met him? he's about as threatening as Mister Mister
... all talk should be backed up with intense games of NTN ....
It's down to the wire
yay buddy! :toast:
time's up.
...and curtain.
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