i can just taste the potential excitement
Do you think The Redskins will beat the Dolphins???? :38:
No, I'm telling you they'll win. I can feel it. It's like I've already seen the game :34:
i would rather have sleeper as mod
Quote:i would rather have sleeper as mod
two faced bitch!!!
I think the actual vote was the exciting part, we've passed the climax.
Quote:I think the actual vote was the exciting part, we've passed the climax.
any way you say it you still came to quick
de modding arpi to make sleeper mod would reignite excitement.
I would sacrifice my life if it helped Sleeper to power.
fat chicks in the Boston area would never recover.
and gooch throws yet another punch at a dead horse
A year ago he would've taken a bite out of it.
He's improving.
the sleeper campaign begins today!
What are we campaigning for?
He's a walking cluster-fuck.
And prone to violent rages.
And he's stinkier than me on my worst hippie day.
Hippie. pfft. You shower daily with a loofah.
Shhhh. Don't ruin my mystique.