Full Version: the mod wars begin!!!
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You're good enough.

You're smart enough.

And, dog'on it, you're fat enough.
sorry, i meant stuart smalley
all of his angst is from his inability to stick his dick in a woman
I don't have a comeback to that.
i win!!11!!!11 :banana:
I was talking to Alkey. I didn't see your post.
man this thread is long
No, it's actually pretty long.
i was talking to jack.i didnt see sleepers post
Did you really need to explain that?
the joke

alkey's head
that was the joke. in the repetition. sheesh!
i just said that, sheesh
As was me pointing it out.

This is what happens whens it's just the three of us. Too much genius.
seriously, when there is no straight man, all Hell breaks loose
i think i speak for sleeper when i say that you are not even in our league. we are doing comedy on a level you could never even hope to attain.
good thing i'm back
Where the fuck is Jack?
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