Full Version: the mod wars begin!!!
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And Danked, you're now #2 (I bumped Tricia down, but don't tell her).

Next time I really will punch you in the face.
but...this isn't the hate list, this is the love list.

Don't listen to jack - have you seen his hate list? It's not pretty.
I have a list? :26:

Where is it? I gotta update that thing.
You guys playing good cop bad cop??
don't act all innocent - in fact, you were the first person to make one!

There really is a list?
isn't there?
I found it.

All is well.
I'll be looking mine over tonight, I have much editing to do...
who else is with me?? the first shot is going to be fired soon and if you aint wit me, you are agin me!!!
I gotta go with Arpi since he's my new favorite mod. :18:
Arpi is the Mr. Smith to Jack's Neo
is that anyway i can be on Arpi's side and not have that dopey anti-Jack thingy?
Come on your mod think of something. Dont make me switch sides.
do what you must, but do you really believe supporting mr sensitivity is the smart thing? he is already crying in the mod forum.
Your bestest buddy is a Jover?
what bestest buddy? oh you must mean hybrid. he is no jover!
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