Full Version: OMG OMG OMG THE BRAIN!!!!!!
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Alkey has his bling on rappin,

disdain for the memberbrain....
disdain for the brain....

cause he's old school and shit.
* grabs Ken's arms behind his back*

Calls brain to work him over becuse he doesn't know how to watch his mouth.
Now now, Laz, they'll think all black people are violent if we just go around pimp-slappin' folks, even if they have it coming.
i like this guy.
when will kid A come for a triumverate of black people to laugh at when they try to act all that?
Hey, we can all band together in our mutual dislike for all things Pen.

Quote:Pompous, Arrogant, Enigmatic, Bitter, Quirky, Obtuse Misanthrope with a Weird Sense of Humor and an Iron Clad Memory while flooding the board with my Stream of Conscienceness.
Hmmm... have we met? :18:

Quote:when will kid A come for a triumverate of black people to laugh at when they try to act all that?
Road trip to Vegas, anyone?

Edited By The Brain on 1053629370
it's spelled triumvirate. Gooch if you going to use big words spell them right.
how did slash get dragged into this? :30:
Who mentioned Slashypoo by name, Goochy? I just quoted the text under Keyser's name.
keyser: not only rips-off songs, but other poster's tags?
so the black folk hate me?

Damn, what ever shall I do?
we will do lunch bitch and your buying!!
Well I can't take ya to Denny's,

and I don't have a Popeye's near me...

you're SOL.
That's OK, Kenny-boy... just pick up some mutant bird at a Costco near you, and we'll deep fry it in your living room.

Either way, we'll draw some satisfaction from the experience that is Ken'sPen.
last time black folk were in my house.....

My TV and soundsystem left with them.
Bring syrup. I hear his ass needs a little condiments to it
Slash and I mocked you out big time,
during our little lunch.
Quote:last time black folk were in my house.....

My TV and soundsystem left with them.
Should've used the money I got hocking those things to buy you a clue. :21:
sorry, my bad,
actually the last time it was to get my rugs steam cleaned.
Quote:actually the last time it was to get my rugs steam cleaned.
You wear toupees?

We learn more and more about Mr. Pen every day. Granted, we could care less, but still, we learn.
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