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its so good, that its not even out on dvd yet, just like star wars :5:
great white hype rocks :5:
it has alot of backstabbing and treachery. it would appeal to you.
i see you have guns too....with lasers on them...
what a great movie :5:
My friends brother was in it. He was the cop with the dog.
hot dog cop?
Quote:galt = gomez gomez = galt

You are just jealous because your "I have more money than you" routine doesn't work with us :21:

And eventhough Samuel L Jackson has been in some duds he's always been great in his movies.
Quote:You are just jealous because your "I have more money than you" routine doesn't work with us
now you are stealing sleepers material. do you have an original thought? i have yet to see one.ever.
Sleeper has more money than you?


That's priceless
[Image: Duhard.gif]
And here I was sure you'd threaten my to smack me with your little bank roll
[Image: retard.gif]

I'm going to go sleep on my bed made of money, go get in the unemployment line you shiftless layabout
[Image: grn_md_wht.gif]
your fights suck.
give me an opponent who doesnt say the same thing over and over and i will show you a good fight. :thumbs-up:
It's difficult not to say the same thing over and over again when it's a response to your repetition
I repeat myself when under stress.
I repeat myself when under stress.
I repeat myself when under stress.
I repeat myself when under stress.
I repeat..
Quote:It's difficult not to say the same thing over and over again when it's a response to your repetition
you have become all that you despise. it has been sad to watch. seriously.
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