...my route to work would be littered with the corpses of the chronically stupid. The people that block both lanes at a stop light so that you can't get past them when the light turns green. The people that don't use their blinkers when they bob and weave through all the lanes of the highway in their mad dash to wherever the fuck they have to go. The stupid cunts on their cell phones driving 5 miles below the speed limit in the left lane. How glorious it would be to lean out my window and shoot out their tires so that they lose control, swerve off the road, and explode in a fiery wreck on the side of the highway! :banana:
You sir....are my kind of guy. Kudos! :5:
on the highway, when you get into the right lane to pass & the car that was in front of you speeds up, and you have to get behind them again, so they slow down again, (lather rinse repeat) ... I'd like to see them strung up by their pinky toes
you sir are preaching to the choir!
An addendum...
The people who parallel park in an area big enough for two cars, but park right in the middle so I can't fit in on either side. Lacking the required firepower just now, I could only roll down my window and call her a cunt. I wish I had something to throw at her. :16:
Penny's work, so do steel ball-bearings.
Just calling them names helps, but not as much as violent tirades.
i got stuck behind 3 blue haired, white knuckled, pearl white cadillac driving grannies today(all with florida license plates) :fuckoff:
1 on route 24 eastbound with no room to pass her
the other on 24 westbound...same scenario
and the 3rd was on south street going around the green on my way home :crackhead:
i'm just about ready to kill someone right now

Edited By LZMF1 on 1055550278
shoot that funny looking faggot in your mirror!
WBK...how about i take my beretta a390st (that's 12 gauge shotgun in case you didn't know) put it against your temple and pull the trigger?
Quote:put it against your temple and pull the trigger?
[Arnold]DO IT![/Arnold]
Consider investing in a few RPG-7s... They'll fire most of the time, are pretty cheap, and highly available in places like Yemen and Pakistan. Just toss a few in the backseat (be sure to cover em up, you know, those toll takers are nosy).
nah...the beretta will fire when i want it to
Quote:how about i take my beretta a390st (that's 12 gauge shotgun in case you didn't know)
how about you get over yourself
hoofah! touchy touchy!
no sense o' humor today! eh trish?
Quote:no sense o' humor today! eh trish?
as opposed to you lacking it every day of the week?
dude, he has gunzzzzzzzzzzzzz, dont speak up to him or Hell busta cap in that ass
If LZ and I carpooled, the streets would run red with blood!
Quote:as opposed to you lacking it every day of the week?
oh yeah...
this is comedy gold!
right mistar funney man?
I shot him. Did you see that? :10: