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Requiem for a Dream

wow, quite the movie. all the characters go into a downward spiral, on heroin & diet pills. sex & drugs without all the glamore of rock & roll.

Do you think you would see yourself going out of control like that? How far is too far? There but for the grace of god, go I?

Can we talk about this movie, or other drug movies you people like? Fear & Loathing? Trainspotting? Cheech & Chong even?

currently on: caffine & :fuggin:
we do actually have a forum just for this kind of discussion...
but I don't want to talk about how the movie was shot & how cool that was.

I mean this more along the lines of ... does a movie about addiction make you take stock of yourself? how do you take the messages of these movies?

why do you like them, why do you watch them?

and the people who do the drugs, would be in this forum

maybe I'm being too reflective, but ... could it happen to me, would I sell my tv, how do people get to that point. It seems like such a commitment to be a junky. a lot of work.

but there is also an alure, right. drugs are good, drugs are fun. let's get twisted & get set loose on the world, the unsuspecting fools. don't you like to be high in "normal" places? like ... 7-11. I can hear in my head "they know, they know."

but they don't, I'm just another customer, just someone else who looks a little tired or something.

yeah ... something like that :22:
ok, can i have some of what you're smoking?
so is that a no?

buy the ticket. take the ride.

what is the point of it all, what is this thing called life, huh, what is it for. I don't want to go to work tommorrow. I think most of the jobs anyone does are unimportant anyway, just moving papers around & making bullshit phone calls, all just to give everyone something to do.

so what would it be like? to drop out ...