Full Version: I got my hairs cut today
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that's still what, a week away?
I could do it in a week but I need to spread out the love for a bit.
out of material already?
You know that's impossible, you've been around me once.

Even in the dullest enviorment I rival the louisville lip.
whats next on the horizon?
I played MVP Baseball on the PS2 today and pitched a perfect game with Mussina. For the irony level, it was against texas and the last victim was Carl Everett, I struck him out looking.
why was carl everett batting 9th?
I play 7 inning games.
weak :17:
No, weak is Weaver, he's 2-5 with over a 7 ERA.
I got a haircut this weekend too. It looks adorable.
I trimmed my pubes this weekend, it was getting to be a like a forest down there!
My head is smoove.
just like Lent :thumbs-up:
you have a crush on lent dont you? :30:
who doesn't have a crush on Morpheus?
goatweed caught the jungle fever
better that than SARS.
I'm fine, really .... ::coough hackcough:: :9:
you should go to Canada if you think you might have SARS. Being chained to a bed sounds like my kinda party :banana:
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