![[Image: hhhkn.jpg]](http://badblood.wwe.com/images/hhhkn.jpg)
WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Hell In A Cell
Special Referee: Mick Foley
-Triple H © vs. Kevin Nash
Winner: HHH. Mick Foley gets thrown off the cage.
![[Image: christian.jpg]](http://badblood.wwe.com/images/christian.jpg)
WWE Intercontinental Championship
-Christian © vs. Booker T
Winner:And new IC champ, Booker T.
![[Image: y2jbg.jpg]](http://badblood.wwe.com/images/y2jbg.jpg)
-Goldberg vs. Chris Jericho
Winner:Goldberg with the spear.
![[Image: wall2_sm.jpg]](http://badblood.wwe.com/wallpaper/images/wall2_sm.jpg)
-Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair
Winner:Shawn Michaels
![[Image: rt.jpg]](http://badblood.wwe.com/images/rt.jpg)
Redneck Triathlon
-Steve Austin vs. Eric Bischoff
Winner: Steve Austin
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WWE World Tag Team Championship
-Rob Van Dam and Kane © vs. La Resistance
Winner: La Resistance and Kane chokeslams RVD
![[Image: wall3_sm.jpg]](http://badblood.wwe.com/wallpaper/images/wall3_sm.jpg)
-Scott Steiner vs. Test
Winner Gets Stacy Keibler as a Manager
Winner: Test. This feud continues for a while longer.
-The Dudley Boyz vs. Rodney Mack and Chris Nowinski
Winners: Rodney Mack and Chris Nowinski
Possible match:
WWE Women's Championship
-Jazz © vs. Ivory
Winner and new women's champ: Ivory with help from Trish Stratus
Edited By Teenweek on 1055244542
This actually looks like a halfway decent PPV although I really would like to see the Dudleys take on those French faggits. No reason they should get this big of a push so soon.
question: is this the start of the Raw/Smackdown PPV each month or is this a one time thing?
nope this is the start. next month's vengeance is smackdown
who wants to bet bischoff will be eating some mae young poontang pie
From Meltzer:
Quote:Pie eating contest is up. Mae Young was the recipient. Bischoff had to go first. He was about to quit but he kissed her. Austin said that wasn't eating pie. It wound up with Mae Young in a thong giving Bischoff a bronco buster. Austin then gave Young a stunner, which meant he forfeited the second event to Bischoff.
Remember when wrestling was fun?
i have to admit it was funny. the burping contest sucked. christian got dq'd, teddy long is recruiting dvon because bubba booses a black man around by always yelling at him to get teh tables.
Quote:teddy long is recruiting dvon because bubba booses a black man around by always yelling at him to get teh tables.
I'm not watching the PPV, and to be honest haven't been watching much wrestling at all lately, but from what I've seen Teddy Long is the best thing they've got going right now. The White Boy Challenge is great stuff...
I watched the goldberg and jericho match, and the pig pen challange. Then I changed to channel to watch 'The Wire'. I honestly couldnt care less anymore, a couple years ago I wouldnt dare even think of missing a RAW or a PPV. I missed only one Raw in several years, now I dont even really care. It's stale, boring and the wrestling is secondary if at all relevant anymore.
You missed an incredible match in Flair vs Michaels. Just that match was worth it.
The Michales/Flair match was good, but 10 or 15 years ago it would've been no much better.
Steiner slipping off the ring - embarrassing.
Nash losing to HHH - predicatble, and ridiculous. The WWE would've been smart to take the belt of of HHH and give Nash a run, shake things up a little bit.
The Triathalon was horrible, even Austin couldn't make it entertaining. The burping contest was not only asinine, it was dubbed and both of them missed the mark more than once - awful. Oh, and let's pull the "perform some kind of sex act on Mae Young" card for yet another PPV - it might've been more funny if she carried the hand she gave birth to a few years ago to the ring.
Overall, a glorified RAW episode. If the WWE wants people to buy these PPV's, they really should do things on them that they wouldn't do on RAW. And how many more Hell in the Cell matches are we goona have?
Quote:Nash losing to HHH - predicatble, and ridiculous. The WWE would've been smart to take the belt of of HHH and give Nash a run, shake things up a little bit.
I think Rodney mack would have made a better champion than Nash. nash is the epitomy of awful. He makes Scott Steiner look like Kurt Angle in the ring.