Full Version: if this shit keeps up....
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dont say i didnt warn you fuckers!!i swear i will lock up every one of you fuckers if i have to!! do NOT fuck with me today!
Zoloft is good for you. Or maybes some mallomars.
down you go fucker!!!
whydo you all have to fucking test me? i am in no mood for this shit! i will burn all of you fuckers!!!
lebron james fucked your girlfriend :5:
ha, ha.. look at those jokers in the cell.. nanny, nanny, boo, boo :21:
why? why? why?
Hi Arpi. :lookatme:
That was the most perfect post you ever made jack, the hinted irony was perfect.
why has no one posted a picture of a teddy bear yet?
cause everybody else realizes its a lame idea. you would have known that too in the past.
i'm beginning to think arpi gets all his ideas from me
i referenced you in my original post so dont get all uppity, bitch
actually, you didn't reference me until your 5th post. and i think we can all agree, i did it better :21:
i wasnt doing a drunk riff though. i just hated everyone and wanted to see them suffer. completely different.
so what happened? did you have a fight with your "girlfriend"?
all that reminising about the 80's, he went on a bender & flipped his shit
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