Full Version: I don't understand the New Post function
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when I click it it lists things I've already read. What does it search for, topics posted in today?
you mean threads where there are new posts? That thing?
I mean the link under the Welcome line.

While I'm asking stupid questions, what's a "Hot Topic?"

(The lack of posting has caused me to read all the fine print today)
look at the time of the last post in every thread. It's chronological.

New Posts = threads that have the most recent posts
jesus christ
that's it, no more pot for me
that's an ivy league education right there folks.
Galt....always the technical support terrorist
my phone just rang after you posted that.
this thread was so much better when i did it about post icons
suzie, you should really stop sniffing white-out.
it only took me a few weeks to find the stoner forum
<<<<<<<<<<<educated in pomona NJ
74 weeks right?