mokey: so i am going to Great Adventure on monday, was just wondering if anyone has had a chance to ride the new roller coaster

umm, geee thanx for your valuable responce

I have. The line was literrally two hours but it was fantastic. A very different coaster, cool rush.
i wonder if arpi has been on the Superman Ride..
Sleeper raises an excellent point, I fucking despise Arpi.
Is this the rollarcoaster where you pretty much lie down and go face first?
yes. you're in the position that superman flies in, suspended from your back. It's a little wacky but cool and different.
I saw it on TV...I am not impressed...doesn'tlook like anything new or different...just riding from a different angle...
Quote:doesn'tlook like anything new or different
Quote:riding from a different angle...
you just proved yourself wrong :17:
It really is a very different feel. but I'm warning you, get there early!! We went straight to the line first thing and it still took 2 whole hours. The worst is while you're waiting you can sometimes count up to six empty seats and there's only one running so it takes forever.
I thought this thread was about me.
<span style='font-size:107pt;line-height:100%'>MMMMMMBUP!!!!</span>
sorry man...i refuse to go to great adventure......
it's way too dark there........even in the day time.
be prepared to be surrounded by millions of non-english speaking foreigners and the people that do speak english you'd want nothing to do with.
i haven't been there in years and have absolutely no plans of returning there ever again.
enjoy the superman coaster and be sure to tell us about it.
I'm going monday too, I'll look for the smiling guy
Quote:the people that do speak english you'd want nothing to do with.
you don't go there to meet new people
Hey Ladi Wrote:I'm going monday too, I'll look for the smiling guy
Quote:the people that do speak english you'd want nothing to do with.
you don't go there to meet new people
DUH! no shit!
Suzie Wrote:It really is a very different feel. but I'm warning you, get there early!! We went straight to the line first thing and it still took 2 whole hours. The worst is while you're waiting you can sometimes count up to six empty seats and there's only one running so it takes forever.
...i knew the only reason you invited me was so you could use my handicap permit to cut to the front of the line

waaaaa, you get to get on the rides first :29: :moonie:
Take note of the overweight spic whose sloppy humoungusly bra-less teets randomly peak out of her unconscionably over-sized tank top. Makes you wanna puke. There's at least 10-12 of these slobs roaming the herds at these mindless, mini-welfare states called amusement parks. And these people smell like shit too.
Quote:There's at least 10-12
there's alot more then that