I have 3 or 4 friends here that I'm in touch with personally during the week, and that's who i need to rely on. I have decided that I need to stop doing coke. Not just buying it, doing it AT ALL. Only on weekends or just when someone else has it isn't enough. I have to just give it up.
Soemtimes you have to hit rockbottom before you can change something. I don't wanna talk about the incident that lead to my decision. They say the first step on the road to recovery is admitting I have a problem. I wasn't willing to do that, addict is such an ugly word. It's so easy to make excuses to justify to myself why it's ok to keep doing it in moderation. But I know I can never just do that one line, or keep it for a rainy day. Please remind me of that. If I have it, I'll do it, and therein lies the problem.
I really do believe I can beat this. I am stronger than this drug. But I needed to put it in wrtiing so I couldn't tell myself later that I only said I'd stop because after a 2 week sleepless mal-nourished bender I wasn't thinking clearly. That's just the point. I want to be able to start thinking clearly again.
DONT DO IT!!!!! COKE IS FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!
try vanilla coke. its yummy.
Posting this in the stoner forum might not be the most effective way.
This lot of druggies probably won't help you walk away from drugs.
Suzie, the only way to beat any addiction is cold motherfucking turkey. It's mind over matter.
Direct your energy into something else. Exercise, painting, a hobby.
Best success. You can do it.
Just tell yourself you no longer want to do it and then do that.
Edited By Mad on 1055608124
maybe she could take up playing socom 24/7
listen to XheadwalkX on a loop
![[Image: red-devil-2.gif]](http://www.retrobuttons.com/catalog/halloween/red-devil-2.gif)
![[Image: fatgirl.jpg]](http://www.webulagam.com/women/beauty/images/2002/07/fatgirl.jpg)
Edited By WhackBagKid on 1055616635
you guys are assholes.
Quote:Posting this in the stoner forum might not be the most effective way.
This lot of druggies probably won't help you walk away from drugs.
for the most part, i don't think the stoners here are much into coke. and considering you guys back here i can just imagine how this post would do in the outside boardworld.
anyway, suzie, good for you. that stuff is no good. but i think you know that now. i'm working hella lot at the moment, but you know where to reach me if you need anything. :thumbs-up:
It's a good thought and all, but won't you just miss the drip too much?
Thank you for taking me seriously sweetheart.
Back in the day when I did coke (way back in the eighty's). I got to a point where I felt like complete shit after doing it the night before.
I just said to myself stop...and I did just that.
I found quitting cigarettes to be much more difficult then giving up coke.
Be strong and don't listen to the assclowns.
Reward yourself. Put like $5 in a jar for every day you don't pollute yourself with that drug.
Before you know it, you'll have a jar full of money that you can spend on some really good heroin
thank you!
Quote:Reward yourself. Put like $5 in a jar for every day you don't pollute yourself with that drug.
this is a really good idea. Money always motivates me. I put my first $5 aside before I went to bed last night, hope to keep doing so.
Today is already easier than yesterday, when I was lethargic and devoid of initiative. I feel really optimistic; it can only get better.
i'm a bit into weed yet i never went on try coke
from the very little i know of you, you seem to have a strong enough personality to make this adjustment in yer life
the money reward is a good idea
though you're doing it for yerself and that should be more then enough reason
good luck
snort gatorade powder or pixi stix instead
alot of my friends have the same problem. they all come around monday morning saying "im done" and then next weekend comes around and they're back doing lines again. i've somehow managed to avoid it and have little desire to. i've actually tried it a few times and its done nothing for me. seeing my friends with their love/hate relationship with it has just solidified my reason for not getting involved with it.
i think the $5 a day is a great idea but something tells me that one day you'll break down and spend it all on a bender.