Full Version: White Castle
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Pages: 1 2
I am going there today for lunch. It's gonna be awesome
chicken rings!!! :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
and you think your coworkerz hated you before
I wish there was a Castle around here Undecided
i wish they still had vanilla coke at mine Undecided
The chicken rings are the only things on the menu I'll eat.
they really are awesome.
i've never tried the fish burgers, i wonder if anyone actually gets those
there's no white castle near me Sad
I'm gonna guess that the fish burger tastes as bad as it sounds.
never been to white castle.
ive never been either :7:
:29: this makes me sad :29:
It makes me sad that you pollute yourself with that wildy unhealthy food and have really gotten out of shape and are now a fatty.

oh yes, tubby
just go to the gym tonight, k?
ok, I'll make sure to indicate that I'm "@ the gym" in my away message too
@ da gym
He can't even find a pizza place a block away, how's he supposed to find a gym?
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