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which would make it his opinion that he gave him the fight of his early career, he didnt say that sportswriters said or he said she said, he said it from his own personal opinion. He never used the word fact or worded it as a fact, you assumed it just so you could argue for arguments sake and prove once again how much smarter you are and how your opinion is better than everyones else.

But in arpis opinion which is final, he's not the stubborn one, he's right.
Quote:But in arpis opinion which is final, he's not the stubborn one, he's right.
the same could be said of you in this instance.

Quote:so you could argue for arguments sake
and you jumped into this for what reason? would you like to be the pot or the kettle?

Quote:He never used the word fact or worded it as a fact
saying "He gave Iron Mike the fight of his early career." is saying it as fact. he does not say " in my opinion He gave Iron Mike the fight of his early career." or " i think He gave Iron Mike the fight of his early career.".
surely you can see the difference. at this point we know that is what he meant, so it is easy to argue on his behalf, but it was not clear at the beginning.
Quote:saying "He gave Iron Mike the fight of his early career." is saying it as fact. he does not say " in my opinion He gave Iron Mike the fight of his early career." or " i think He gave Iron Mike the fight of his early career.".

He didn't have to say it cause its pretty obvious that he's speaking for himself, he is typing it, so who else could he be speaking for if not himself? If he is speaking for himself it is an opinion. Every sportswriter writes in his own opinion when describing events, ofcourse you cant dispute facts like who won or the scoring but the fight itself is written from their opinions. You can't go over the hill and say Bonecrusher dominated or something but the fact that he pushed and tested tyson is pretty much there.

Clipping snippets of my posts to fit them to your needs isnt helping either. I jumped in becuase its a boxing thread and you know Damn well I am the biggest boxing head here and you are arguing a boxing topic, so what I cant join in?

By saying he gave tyson the fight of his early career is a valid opinion. He pushed tyson to start using rough house tactics, using his glove to open further a cut, trash talking, elbows, etc when he got frustrated. Many could say that night Tyson started to unravel. Cus D'amato was dead, he was with Don King and being torn apart outside and now inside the ring.

Plus you can not deny that Smith rocked tyson in 12th round.
Quote:Plus you can not deny that Smith rocked tyson in 12th round.
i agree, but one punch is not the giving someone the fight of his career.

Quote:He didn't have to say it cause its pretty obvious that he's speaking for himself, he is typing it, so who else could he be speaking for if not himself? If he is speaking for himself it is an opinion.
this is turning into an argument of semantics. we could both argue our points succesfully for hours. i will, however, cede the point for the sake ending this nonsense.

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1056308854
it would have been sweet if klistcko came out with a midget
<-------- D
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Quote:Plus you can not deny that Smith rocked tyson in 12th round.
i agree, but one punch is not the giving someone the fight of his career.
still you convienently left out the preceeding paragraph that answers your own question.

Quote:By saying he gave tyson the fight of his early career is a valid opinion. He pushed tyson to start using rough house tactics, using his glove to open further a cut, trash talking, elbows, etc when he got frustrated. Many could say that night Tyson started to unravel. Cus D'amato was dead, he was with Don King and being torn apart outside and now inside the ring.

To give him a fight and challange, smith didnt have to beat him or even put up a great show. I aint sayin smith was good or that it was a good fight. He simply read Tyson and exposed him that night. Tyson wasnt Tyson no more, his training was slowly fading as his skills. He had no one to guide him anymore, and smith showed that he would resort to child like behavior if pushed and would lose it.
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