What is your worst physical and personal qualities?
I recently have been really hating a lot of things about me which I have ignored in the past. I've been critical of myself lately and have found even more shit I hate about me.
The most noticible thing is ofcourse my weight, I already got a bad back and knee. Plus I just hate the way I look, it makes me sick. I'm tryin to fix that now, I really am cause I got to.
A personal or mental trait that really bothers me are actually seperate but similar. My anger, I have such a short fuse and anything can set me off and I just either go off or completely shut down from everything. Another is being too trustworthy with friends, I take the term "friend" very seriously and sometimes will blindly follow a friend without realizing he/she is completly wrong until much later. I've fucked up so many things in the past cause of my blind rage, my work, my personal contacts, friends, family, etc. I always say never again but it keeps happening either way. Then I end up hating people and really I have no reason to do so.
I'm perfect*
*No I'm not**
**I'm gonna go cry now
I let my emotions get the better of me.
fear of commitment.
anger management
this Damn zip on my cheek.
Quote:this Damn zip on my cheek.
you got a zip on your cheek? shoot that fuckin slant eye fuck!!
I'm pretty lazy and complacent sometimes.
That also makes me be out of shape. I'm not fat, but definately not in shape. At 28, I gotta get in shape soon, or I'll never be able to.
I also have a crooked front tooth that bothers me. I think when I get a job, I'll get those invisalign things.
Quote:you got a zip on your cheek? shoot that fuckin slant eye fuck!!
i cant he's gonna win the hotdog eating contest on the 4th.
I also have terrible teeth and a weight problem that's imrpoving, but still ever present.
My addictive personality has come to bother me of late, as does my inability to have healthy relationships. I'm obssessive and generally kind of crazy, and I'm not too honest either.
I am so brutally honest people get offended real quick. I am terse. I don't make small talk and have spent hours in a room with one or more people and did not say one word to them. The way I see it is that I'm not here to entertain you. If you got nothing to talk about than I am just as happy to keep it silent. This attitude probably has kept me from opportunities both socially and professionally. Oh well, fuck it. We're all a bunch of fucking slaves anyway.
Like many of you, apparently, my weight is my albatross. I run, I lift, I eat right, but I just never lose it. I've resigned myself to look like this forever, which is kinda liberating in a way. But it certainly does not mean I have to be happy about it.
I end up putting work ahead of my own well being. I work crazy hours next to people who seem to come and go as they please with impunity. I tend to define myself by what I do, and that can be a dangerous thing when you realize that most of your job is smoke and mirrors intended to make things seem better rather than making an actual difference.
And the worst part? Im telling you all this. I wear my fucking heart on my sleeve with everything. And I know it gets me used.
Okay. enough. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I'm not fat and Cathi isn't fat either. Leave us alone.
I'm 6'; 185. Just not tone. She is 5'; 120.
Why do you keep bringing it up?
Quote:I don't make small talk and have spent hours in a room with one or more people and did not say one word to them. The way I see it is that I'm not here to entertain you. If you got nothing to talk about than I am just as happy to keep it silent. This attitude probably has kept me from opportunities both socially and professionally.
I spend alot of time on the internet.
I'm going back to my book now.
Quote:I'm not fat and Cathi isn't fat either. Leave us alone.
I'm 6'; 185. Just not tone. She is 5'; 120.
Why do you keep bringing it up?
who mentioned it, what's your problem captain wig out? Take a diet pill there and chill out.
I also have terrible teeth and a weight problem that's imrpoving, but still ever present.
like gonzo i have a very bad temper...
like galt i have a tendency to be lazy and complacent...(big shock there)
like dig and the sleeper i have no need to make small talk..people think i'm a dick for not saying anything when in actuality i'm being nice by not saying anything.
i tend to be a mean spirited prick but i'm happy with myself :39:
I was being ironical.
Ok Bingey McVomitson, don't you have a meal to purge?
I don't like the extra baggage I'm carrying, I'm still working on it. I also don't like my chronic back and knee pains....and I hate the color of my eyes - shit brown.
personally, I think I'm too quiet - I'd like to me more outgoing. My self confidence isn't as high as it should be either in my opinion.
other than that, I'm perfect :thumbs-up: