Does anybody know what is up with Morpheus?
Apparantly it has been out of commision for a few days waiting for a software update. The site says that the update is ready, but, I can't seem to find it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT - Yes, I did update with the latest version from CNET.
Edited By LunaBabe on Mar. 03 2002 at 11:04
Go to and you can download the new version.
Some of the features:
* It's near impossible to successfully connect to anyone so you can download anything.
* You can't preview the file in Morpheus. It opens up another program (your Winamp, realjukebox, Windows Media Player, etc) instead of just playing it through Morpheus, which now has no media player functionality at all.
* You can throttle down the speed of uploads (so people with dialup won't be downloading for 6 hours) but it also means that people will fuck with your download speeds, and the majority of the time, the downloads will be much slower than you are used to
* It doesn't give you the option anymore to sort by video, music, software, like it used to. If you want, you need to put in every file extension you want covered in the search
* Feel free to add your own.
Ugh! Thanks, Galt, for the heads up. This doesn't sound good at all.
Ok, another question: What other music/file sharing programs are good?
if you want music, and only music(sometimes you'll find someone hiding a movie or software as a .mp3, but almost everything is audio), try
audio has great speeds, you can resume downloads if you or the other person sign off, and you can see anyfiles anyone has, not just who'se online.i highly recomend it, but once again, audio only
I have nothing bad to say about audiogalaxy either. I think it's better than Napster was for Music.
Audiogalaxy is a beautifulll thing.
Audiogalaxy is definitely the best for music. Songspy is decent but not great. Avoid Kazaa like the plague. Use Grokster if you want the old Morpheus.
But for other files all of them suck compared to Direct Connect, and Newsgroups. Ever dl a movie off Morpheus? 9 times out of 10 its a shitty cam.
AdolescentMasturbator Wrote:Ever dl a movie off Morpheus? 9 times out of 10 its a shitty cam.
Heh....9 tims out of 10 I couldn't get the movie to play.
Maybe that's because you didn't have the right software to play the
AdolescentMasturbator Wrote:Maybe that's because you didn't have the right software to play the movies.
No wonder I couldn't watch any movies I downloaded.
Duuuhhhhuuuuuh. Thanks.
AM, your my Uber Geek Hero! :loveya:
am i the only idiot using winmx? and how does this irc thing work, i got mirc, but i'm an idiot. also, i've dl movies that only play sound, i'm assuming it's got something to do with that divx stuff, but again, i'm an idiot. hey masturbator, feel like iming me some instructions? i'll give you a cookie, or um, hmm, maybe ooh, i have access to really good ginger snaps?
Crx, just follow AM's link and download the DivX for your O/S.
I can actually watch my movies now. :bouncer:
horneygoatweed posted this in another place at another time:
Quote:OK, for those of you who want to use Grockster without the spyware, Click Here.
If you want to use Kazaa without the spyware, follow these directions :
<font color="blue">To install Kazaa 1.5 without the spyware:
1. Download Kazaa
2. Download and run Adaware to remove all the spyware you just installed (they install even if you don't check them in the kazaa installer)
Now running kazaa gives you an error message, you just removed spyware that is necessary for kazaa to run
So install a dummy file to replace the spyware:
Go here: Dummy files for neutering spyware
4. Download and extract CD_CLINT.ZIP into your windows\system (win9x) or system32 (nt) folder
5. Run kazaa and enjoy</font>
I tried it with Grockster, and it works fine - no spyware on my machine,. Since the steps and dummy .dll file are the same for Kazaa, I would assume it would work there as well.
I figured I would quote his post because I don't know when he will see this thread.
Morpheus had a DOS attack and another problem that could have compromised some users computers by changing their registry settings. From
This week MusicCity and Morpheus users suffered dual attacks. First, early this week MusicCity's servers were hit by a massive Denial of Service attack. Soon thereafter, Morpheus users found that a separate attack had been launched on their computers and their Morpheus software programs.
It appears that the attacks included an encrypted message being repeatedly sent directly to your computers that changed registry settings in your computer. Later, it appears our ad servers were attacked resulting in messages being sent to other sites without our knowledge, which threatened our most basic revenue model. We believe some of these attacks continue as Morpheus users attempt to connect to the old Morpheus User Network. This was why it is important to quickly deploy our new software product.
This unprovoked attack is being carefully investigated, as it appears that federal laws may have been violated. We are still attempting to discover who would want to eliminate the community of millions of consumers who are using the Morpheus software product to connect with other users around the world.
These attacks have forced us to more quickly deploy our new software product in order to allow you to bring the largest p2p community back together. Since it appears that the attack on your computers came from the closed proprietary FastTrack-Kazaa software, we have opted not to continue with this p2p kernel. We believe it to have the ability to access your computer at will and change registry settings. In addition, we remain committed to NOT bundling any spy ware with our product.
We are pleased to migrate to an open Protocol product with the release of Morpheus Preview Edition, which is based on the very large network of Gnutella users. The new software will provide you with the ability for faster searches, the display of more search results, and many more new and exciting features. KEEP IN MIND that this is only our preview edition. Any time change occurs, many object and think the old version was better. Our objective is to create a new and exciting software product. Since our company and your p2p network are being attacked, we would appreciate your constructive comments for improvement, not simply criticisms. With you help and input, we will continue to provide the pre-eminent p2p software product in the world.
Lastly, we want to address some of the misinformation we've seen recently. There have been many comments that we caused these problems intentionally. Let me assure you that we would NEVER treat the Morpheus users in this fashion. Others have said we would re-launch with a paid subscription model, again, not true. Our commitment is to always provide you a free version of the Morpheus software product. Thanks again for making Morpheus the most widely downloaded p2p product in the world. We are hard at work to provide you with the products you have come to expect from our company. From our perspective p2p means people to people.
Our goal is to create the software that lets you create the network. Thanks again for your support.
I personally use Morpheus, Aimster, Gnutella, and WinMX but iMesh seems to work better than all of them.
Crx: You probably are just having codec problems. Search for the smr codec some movies are not encoded in DiVx and are encoded in other codecs such as smr.
As for irc I think it was great 7 years ago but now it blows major goats. The gist of irc is you go into channels on a server(such as dalnet or efnet) that suits you. So if you want movies you would go into #Movies on dalnet. Sometimes you might see people trading files, etc. but the best way to use it is to a scan which is sometimes different on different channels I think. Sometimes it may -warezscan or other times -fscan I forget I haven't used IRC in forever. The bot should tell the channel periodically what commands, etc. If you get results you will get ftp adresses with login/pass etc. to get your stuff. I just think irc is a pain in the ass and it blows goat but hey some people swear by it.
Quote:horneygoatweed posted this in another place at another time:
Quote:I figured I would quote his post because I don't know when he will see this thread
Thanks Slash - only took a few days before I stumbled in here. I really need to visit this place more often.
But yes, it does indeed work. Grock just doesn't have many users on it becuase most people were using Morpheus and Kazaa, but now I think you'll see a lot more people on it.
On another note, Seph in another post mentioned Direct-Connect. I'm gonna look into that next, because I tend to look for obscure shit, and so far Grock hasn't really come through for me like Morpheus did. But for popular stuff it works fine.