Full Version: The Fridge at Coney Island and Hot Dogs!!!! - who is comin with me?
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I wanna meet the fridge

I'd pay 2500 to spend a day with him, fuck Conseco
what would your dream date with the fridge include?
If you buy 100 dollars worth of merchandise on the fridge's website you get a personal phone call from him.
i bet the fridge doesn't even show up.the people in coney island are gonna scare his fat ass away.
Please, you could shoot the Fridge and it wouldn't kill him
PatCooper Wrote:i bet the fridge doesn't even show up.the people in coney island are gonna scare his fat ass away.
It's not that fuckin bad, pull up your panties you fuckin pansy.
[quote]If Tackleberry is there, I'll go.

I hate to break it to you, but David Graf(Tackleberry) died of a heart attack a couple of years ago.
Quote:Eh.. never heard of him.


Quote:I hate to break it to you, but David Graf(Tackleberry) died of a heart attack a couple of years ago.

Say it ain't so. Now I'm definetely not going. :29:
the blue oyster?
Quote:the blue oyster?

good callback, you get 2 cookies for that.
Pages: 1 2