There hasn't been too much activity in Shari Beth this weekend. Maybe that's cuz I stayed in and truly did nothing.
Got my apartment clean, got my nails done but nothing exciting.
What did y'all do this weekend?
I wanna know how goochs party turned out since I couldnt come, give up the details yo.
only one person knows the particulars, gonzy...and he ain't talkin.
you were there all alone?
i ain't talkin. no fooling me into telling. :23:
I shoulda called in sick.
i wish you did. but...i had someone get sick. Kind of ruined the day. Otherwise, I didn't care who came. That aside, Drunken Heston and his buddies from Philly were there, and I ended up at the bartenders place in the eve to smoke and hang. So, all good.

i did nothing and loved it! i start the new show tomorrow. i will be very busy till october
Slash told me he went :clueless:
i got a nice tan this weekend.
i went to buy an ac today, but home depot and nwl were both sold out so i just got an industrial fan instead, it's windy in here...
i was paintballing on saturday.. got a welt on my neck.. but it doesn't hurt.. paintball rocks..
got fizzy lifted saturday night
i too got a good amount of sun this weekend
had a small clam bake at my place on sunday
I went down to Chelsea Piers (that place has really expanded since the last time I went down there) and watched all the cocksuckers fondle each other, then I took some swings in the batting cages.
From there, we walked to Tribeca, and Little Italy, had some lunch and drinks. Then went to see 28 Days Later. Then everyone was tired, so we went back to my brother's place and I made him buy American Pscho and we watched that since he'd never seen it before.
Friday, I had my interview then went out drinking to an awesome bar that I don't remember the name of, or where it was, but it had a huge roof deck with seats and an outside bar. It was fucking cool. I so can't wait to move down there.
well, let's see... Friday afternoon i sat in traffic for 4+ hours trying to get to the woman's house on LI... ate dinner & rented a couple of movies... Saturday we went out to do some shopping... watched the 2nd of the 2 movies we rented, ate dinner, then went to some Irish Pub in Queens... Sunday we slept until 11am or thereabouts... ate breakfast, then returned to bed for a nice nap until 3pm or so... finally got motivated enough to get dressed & leave the house about 5... then went to Eisenhower Park to play a couple rounds of Mini-Golf... went out for dinner... spent a few hours in bed, then drove back to Jersey about 1am...
Convinced my friends to come down to Philly for the Radiohead show in August. Came into work all day on Saturday to finish painting the exterior of our shop, I'll be starting on the inside soon.... fuck. Sunday, went to my aunt's new house to help with the remodeling. More painting... oof. Painted my little cousin's room this great lime green color. I think I was the only one that liked the color after it was up.
I used to paint too.
Did you use Purdy brushes? They're the best!