Full Version: I finally saw the Godfather
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i tend to put off watching movies a lot, especially ones that are long
Next watch Scarface.
ive never seen schindlers list
i think The Burbs is next
i'm going to watch dirty work again tonight
Screwed > Dirty Work
Quote:ive never seen schindlers list
you need to
but its about filthy jews
yea but they get gassed
cool, ill go throw something in the oven and check it out.
a jew?
I only saw the Godfather for the first time a few months ago. And I had to keep rewinding it because I got confused. A lot of those fat old Italian guys resemble each other and I couldn't follow who was who.
Then I rented 2 and loved it. Haven't gotten around to 3 cuz no one likes it.
but have you seen dirty work?
there aren't any jews in union city, i was just gonna reheat a sicilian from spumoni gardens.
Quote:And I had to keep rewinding it because I got confused
i rewinded the abe vigoda part 3 times :24:
no dvd? :17:
you can rewind dvd's
and isn't rewound, not rewinded
ignorant youth :23:
Godfather 2 is better than Godfather because Deniro was better than Pacino.

I saw Star Chamber this weekend. It was good for an old movie.
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