Arpi been demmodded in disgrace yet?
is it safe for me to return?
It was safe for you to return before and run him off like you did seph and OAS but I guess you ain't got it no more, captain sissy pants.
OH, so YOU'RE the one who left cuz of arpi!
arpi scares me.......
He wields a keyboard with the ferocity of a bat.
Are you in another time zone? cause your humor seems to be lagging behind. That's my theory with k1d as well.
I am posting based on quantum theory,
in an alternate reality I kill.
Remember that guy ken, he was funny and loveable and always full of wit... I miss that guy.
that guy became cold and dissillusioned after seeing a photo of a nice mountain.
Ken'sPen Wrote:I am posting based on quantum theory,
in an alternate reality I kill.
i would like to hear that theory.. explain..
watch sliders, Quatum Leap, or read the first dozen pages of the new Michael Crichton book.
oh, i did watch sliders.. i thought you had your own quantum theory..
so in this "alternative universe", what's going on? Gonzostyle is president of the Pangaea? Arpi is Secretary of Anger? And Suzie is Gonzo's 3rd wife?
oddly enough,
in all the countless realities,
Suzie is a drug selling slut in them all...
go figure.
In Sleeper-time, Ken is right on the mark.
GonzoStyle Wrote:Are you in another time zone? cause your humor seems to be lagging behind.
He has his moments.
Quote:Suzie is a drug selling slut in them all...
go figure.
I was gonna offer to do something really nice under your desk in your bizarro world, but you just lost it mister.
when's ken coming to nyc for lunch??? i have my lobster bib all set
in one world Gooch, we eat lunch together every day,
and then we thumbwrestle.
i prob win every time, and then eat your tablescraps. :39:
Is this like "Sweeps Week" when names from the past come and make cameos to try and boost ratings?
only if Froy shows up with his dick being choked in his hand.