Full Version: so does anyone wanna go on a little road trip...?
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i wanna go to hellfest this weekend but i have no way to get there. someone take me. :35:
wouldn't that be transporting a minor across state lines?
im 18.
isn't whackbagkid going?
but...but...he said he would in that thread
they dont have luxury suites at hellfest
that needs to change
so sleeper, wanna go to warped?

person i was going to take is no longer going :thumbs-up:
You guys never take me anywhere, I hate you
WhackBagKid Wrote:so sleeper, wanna go to warped?

person i was going to take is no longer going :thumbs-up:
sure, if you buy me a $4 water
only if you buy my sars mask :thumbs-up:
wbk go to hellfest with me. i'll give you gas money.
it's not a nu-metal festival Gomez, don't worry
you all suck
were you really expecting someone to say yes?