Full Version: I am a little gunshy........
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I just pooped in my diaper
galt I could take that wad o cash in your sig with no problem.
yo. what up?
posting genius in action......
hunh? what?
kids, kids, get along.
who? what?
my side itches
So do you love Karim Garcia yet as I said you would?
he was great in godfather 3.....i think....................maybe.
posting genius,

in action.
thanks, man. i try. :1:
not you ya hack bastard.
(flexing thumbs)

BOO! hahahahahahahahahaha!

i think i just shat in my pants.
does anyone have any naked pics of Suzie they could post?
you do not.
his question was "does anyone", not "does Sleeper"
I'll settle for a boobie pic,

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