I like to chew bubblegum :bouncer: :banana: :bouncer:
they have more taste if they are already used. :5:
Gooch Wrote:they have more taste if they are already used. :5:
:poke: ...fag
don't be such a chewing gum prude.

do they come sugarless as well?
depends on what they ate?
IrishAlkey Wrote:OH! Bubble gum! :bouncer:
You remembered :loveya:
Quote:While I'm on my soapbox, wanted to mention that organ donation saves lives too. Check the box on your license, note it in your will or just make sure your loved ones know that if god forbid you're hurt, someone else has a chance.
what about that whole thing where doctors & EMT's won't try as hard to save your life if you're an organ donor?
I've never heard that. You're an EMT, right? Is it true? I'd like to think they do what they can to save a patient beofre even looking for a donor card but maybe that's not realistic.
i'm not an emt, but i am kinda in emergency med. i would never think like that, but i've heard it too often from different people. kinda scary to think about.
yeah, but they were joking right?
I hate condoms, A LOT!!!! They suck, no feeling with them.
Quote:NYfemale21 (1:51:32 AM): thats the only reason i wouldnt be a hooker