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but alas, ike had finally killed himself and his roommate
so the ghost of Ikea joins the ghost of Maynard in the local library, to compare music & movie notes. There they run into....
sitting in the children's section making paper airplanes.... Ghost Ikea & Ghost Maynard go down to the Coffee Shop and run into the Moose and the Panda, who are having doughnuts. They all sit together and have a little chat about the economy. Later Moose & Panda leave, get back on the bus, and sit next to a.......
.... Red Rooster is drinking something out of a paper bag. Panda tries some, it's not poisonous, and...

Edited By Hey Ladi on Mar. 07 2002 at 09:33
much like Amy, Moose and Panda didn't know what to do with a cock of that size, or any other size for that they decided to.....
Metalfan Wrote:much like Amy, Moose and Panda didn't know what to do with a cock of that size, or any other size for that they decided to.....
fuck metalfan up the ass until he bleeds
NaughtyAngel Wrote:
Metalfan Wrote:much like Amy, Moose and Panda didn't know what to do with a cock of that size, or any other size for that they decided to.....
fuck metalfan up the ass until he bleeds
except for the fact that is was actually Ladi wearing her Metalfan costume for some odd reason.....Moose and Panda fainted before ever getting the slightest reaction from her....that large rooster couldn't compare to the ramming she has taken from the elephant at the local zoo (i've seen the tape...quite disturbing). ladi lifts their wallets and finds....
their IDs, she finds that the moose and panda were actually...
NaughtyAngel Wrote:their IDs, she finds that the moose and panda were actually...
.... Buffalo & Kawala. They had stole those passports to get into the country, to run a ring of illegal phone cards. But Ladi just took the money and ran, she needed a manicure.

So Buffalo & Kawala wake up, get off the bus, and are now in...
hell, but its day time, and very cold
NaughtyAngel Wrote:hell, but its day time, and very cold
....Kawala always wanted to learn to ski. So then rent some equip from Hitler, and head out. They start out in the Noise Pollution, because that's an easy slope. Later, Buffalo takes on the expert hill of The Short Bus, and nearly falls in a ditch.

They leave hell, and realize they are now at the Canadian border, they meet......
Bob and Doug McKenzie......out hunting beer...but instead, they run across....
a whole bunch of fags
Metalfan Wrote:Bob and Doug McKenzie......out hunting beer...but instead, they run across....
Moose & Squirrel, who also had illegal passports. They are really Horse and Rat. But Rat hasn't been the same since he started the.....
Hey Ladi Wrote:Moose & Squirrel, who also had illegal passports. They are really Horse and Rat. But Rat hasn't been the same since he started the.....
training for the 2006 olympics
He never puts the curling broom down, he's always sweeping sweeping, and Horse is about to......
Shit on the ice sheet....which will not only fuck up the brushers, but.....
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