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kick him in the ballies
Metalfan Wrote:Shit on the ice sheet....which will not only fuck up the brushers, but.....
.. block the stone.

So the four of them set out to find Big Whitey the Polar Bear, to start up the poker game, but when they get to his house he is.....
too busy getting :blow: from maymays ghost
.. so they have a little laugh at the size of his acorn, and decide to head to Hollywood instead and try to break into show business. But they take a wrong turn in Oregon and are now in......
west bumblefuck, nevada
NaughtyAngel Wrote:west bumblefuck, nevada
..Where they run into Metal at a rest stop, on his way to check on the home office in Reno, and Grumpy's Mom's cat house franchise. They ask where the funny blister is from, but he just storms out. So they order a plate of......
Hey Ladi Wrote:..Where they run into Metal at a rest stop, on his way to check on the home office in Reno, and Grumpy's Mom's cat house franchise. They ask where the funny blister is from, but he just storms out. So they order a plate of......
COCKroach a la DGW
then they realize that one was still alive!!
We laugh as its always better to kill your own food rather than entrusting it to others.......not everyone likes ketchup on their.....
cockroach testicles
NaughtyAngel Wrote:cockroach testicles
....... Angel's favorite, but she like the the English way with Mayo.
angel storms in, steals the testicles, and is on her way
NaughtyAngel Wrote:angel storms in, steals the testicles, and is on her way Disney Land to molest Goofy, whom she met on a cruise to .....
GUAM Disney Land to molest Goofy, whom she met on a cruise to .....GUAM

She's reminded of the dictator of Guam and his practice of banishing anyone he didn't like, and the island nation of Seanovia where the exiles started over.
Arthur Dent Wrote: Disney Land to molest Goofy, whom she met on a cruise to .....GUAM

She's reminded of the dictator of Guam and his practice of banishing anyone he didn't like, and the island nation of Seanovia where the exiles started over.
And their theme song was....

They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa.
They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa.
To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be happy
to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're coming
to take me away, ha-haaa!!!
To the happy home, with trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket
weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes and they're
coming to take me away, ha-haa!!!
To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time...
and she got flash backs and curled up in the fetal position
Quote:and she got flash backs and curled up in the fetal position

All of a sudden..she looked up and thought she was a GOAT!!

Edited By BeckyDC on Mar. 07 2002 at 3:07
BeckyDC Wrote:All of a sudden..she looked up and thought she was a GOAT!!
she started walking around in circles
Quote:she started walking around in circles

Then she got hungry and ran over to the chicken cage.
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