If I say that I'm pissed off. Just fucking S.O.D.U.M.B as hell about something that is annoying me will that fuck up my post and make it say s.o.d.u.m.b?
Cuz if so, that's quite the bug and it should be fixed post haste.
HeadCold is a dumbhead Pizza Club Cock Smoker
i'm watching robert pack and brian williams do up shawn kemp and gary payton
why you you just say you're angry instead? buy your girlfriend a cake from the bakery!
(Oh shit, thought that would become the Paxil Poppin Chub Chub y)
Maybe he needs some towels to clean her up. (better get some extra-wide)
I haven't touched or seen her naked body since April.
you know, i just finally realized what $ox $uck meant in his first post
HedCold Wrote:you know, i just finally realized what $ox $uck meant in his first post
The force is strong in this one.
Just once, I wish I knew what you people were talking about.
Tommy Chong Hack-ie sez Relax!
apparently, i missed a memo...

Quote:Just once, I wish I knew what you people were talking about.
Funny, it's times like this that I'm glad I don't know what they're talking about.
...I'll be happy when the Yankees play The Jays on Friday... :1:
sportscenter is showing the top 12 biggest chokes the $ox have already participated in this year right now.
It's not quite "who put the bop in the bop da bop?" or "who put the dip in the dip da dip da dip?" but it is indeed a rather important question.