Full Version: 15,000 - should I go?
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I am one post away from 15,000, This will be 14,999.

should I retire? I mean what more can I have to say? Everyone must be tired of me by now anyway, almost 10k on and 15k here.

I shant post till tomorow night when the poll closes.

EDIT for tricia:

If you vote yes then you feel I should retire.

If you vote no then you feel I should not retire.

sorry to have made it so complicated.
numbers are so arbitrary
these yes no polls are so confusing. did i vote the right way?
i voted yes for 15000 posts........... i think
...dumbest poll ever!!! Rolleyes
i'm special :11:
couldn't we just lock the post count at 14,999?
I think it would be cooler if GS' post count never went about 10. I know, it's an old gag, but what importance does the number of posts a person has really hold?
You want I should remove the post counts from the post and profile pages?
Wouldn't bother me a bit, but some others may get pissed.
I vote yes for removing post counts.
no damnit, i worked hard for my 5k you can't take it away, it's all i've got to feel good about myself...
you've got that new AC though - isn't that enough?
we'll see when i get the electric bill. i had to stick it in and fill the gap with cardboard and tape so who knows how much of queens i'm cooling
She should have bought a bathroom door!

Oh yeah! :5:

... I voted yes, cuz i thought it meant yes to staying here....
you should go start your own board.
that old gag.
15,000?!? Dude, go outside, feed the squirrels, see a peurto rican day parade. Live alittle.
I say burn the keyboard and the satan machine It's attached to.
Plasticman shouldn't be able to vote.
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