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No butter with my jelly, kthx.
i like pollaner all fruit

would yah please pass the jelly?
I was just thinking of that commercial.

I love how the redneck made all those uppity old women faint when he mocked the Pollander.

Cuz it's the spreadable fruit.
why is this thread no longer about my pain?
do I need to go for old obvious jokes to get attention?

If Zippy Aidsface smacked the tip of his index finger with a hammer and it got all red and swollen, he truly WOULD look like ET.

there do I fit in now?
hey if you rub some pollander on your finger it may heal it quicker, like robitussin.

if anything you can just lick it off.
shouldn't red gelatinous goo be in Suzie's PMS thread?
You'd figure she'd be used bleeding and goo and liquid stuff comin outta there.
Polaner All fruit is great shit. Strawberry Polaner + Toasted Bagel = yummy in my tummy
Yeah I like the strawberry, the grape is good too.
The strawberry is very tasty.

[Image: straw.jpg]
I fuckin hate you, I spent two minutes staring at my reply wondering if I should actually type "I like the strawberry".

You sir are a brute!
Wow... and I thought Zippy Aidsface kept some weird stuff in his closet.
actually I did a google search on rich vos earlier in the day,
that was the number 4 picture to pop up, I laughed.
the wife-beater tee - a classic!
i just don't know what to say, i feel somewhat ashamed
somewhat? :23:
no dirty laundry please
Trish and Strawberry are BFFL!!!
I was watching Last Comic Standing this week,
was Strawberry the "4" Vos was referring to?
Quote:I was watching Last Comic Standing this week

You lost my interest with that so i didn't bother reading on.
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