Full Version: A pirate walks into a bar...
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Please send all jokes of that nature to my new forum.
this is hands down the funniest thread ever
Thank you.

I had faith in it from the start.
A string walks into a bar,
and the bartender tells him to get out that they don't serve his kind.

then next day the string walks into the same bar,
the bartender says,"I told you to get out, we don't serve strings here"

the next day the string is about to enter the bar, but bunches himself up and tussles his hair,

the bartender looks at him and says "aren't you a string"
the string replies "no I'm a frayed knot".
after yer time at luch that wuz all you could come up with
It was kinda like fungi, only different.
i know
that one sucked too
which is why I posted that one,
it was intended to be old and of "suck" class humor.....
A rich man walks into a local pub and asks for a fine 20 year old cognac. The bartender pours him some cognac. The man takes a sip and spits it out and yells; "This is not 20 year cognac!!!"

He then asks for some some 30 year old brandy, the bartneder impatiently pours him some brandy. The man stands up and spits the brandy onto the bar and yells "This is not 30 year old brandy!!!"

The bartender at his wits end says "Look pal that was 30 year old brandy, how the hell can you tell anyway how old it is?". The rich man replies that he can tell the age of any beverage he is served. The bartender asks "any beverage?", the man nods in agreement.

The rich man says to give him a glass of his finest 10 year old champagne when he returns from the bathroom. So while the rich man is in the bathroom the bartender takes a piss into a champagne glass.

The rich man returns and takes a sip from the champagne glass, he then spits it out and proclaims, "That's not champagne, it's urine!!!"

"Yes it is", says the bartender, "Now tell me how old am I?".
An American, from Jersey, a Mexican and an Iraqian are in a bar one night having beerz
The Mexican drinkz his beer and suddenly throwz his glass in the air, pullz out a gun and shootz the glass to pieces
He says "In Mexico our glasses are so cheap
that we don't need to drink from the same one twice."
The Iraqian drinkz his beer, throwz his glass into the air, pulls out his gun and shootz the glass to pieces
He says "In Iraq we have so much sand to make the glasses that we don't need to drink out of the same glass twice either."
The Jerseyan, cool as a cucumber, picks up his beer and drinkz it, throwz his glass into the air, pullz out his gun and shootz the Mexican and the Iraqi
He says "In New Jersey we have so many Mexicans and Iraqis, that we don't need to drink with the same ones twice!"
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