Full Version: This forum is funny to me
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because I'm not fat. I like when other people are made fun of that are not me. It rules!! :5:
Shut up, twiggy.
wait till we start the library forum. you will be dead meat!
i saw that coming :29:
Illiterate, malnourished fool!
I call next forum has something to do with successful marriages.
make fun of me all you want, but how dare you bring Hybrid into this :angry:
Galt Wrote:I call next forum has something to do with successful marriages.
Followed up by one about successful investments...
The Sleeper Wrote:make fun of me all you want, but how dare you bring Hybrid into this :angry:
sorry STEVE
so, what's happening in here. This place hurts my staples.
so....this is what Ive been missing in my abscence ????
the forum contest forum is genius!

eat a cheese fry