I truly love fast food. White Castle, Taco Bell, KFC, Subway, etc. It's all amazing. Who agrees?
I agree, but I only like places that I never worked in.
I don't care if they take a shit in my burger, it is delectable
I wouldn't put it past happening in some places...
when you touch a doorknob, there is a good chance you are touching someone else's feces..
i want subway today, sooooo bad
that sounds pretty good, I could go for a footlong as well - and I'll get 2 more stamps for my card! :banana:
i can barely finish a 6 inch
i havent eaten fast food in over 2 years. or had a soda. i cant even watch someone eat it. not after reading "fast food nation".
thats a book right?

you really should learn how to read - you're missin' out!
yea it sucks having to guess what the reply is in order to respond.
you're doing quite well :thumbs-up:
subway is fuckin horrible as are all fast food sub places
they use inferior meats and cheeses
nothing beats a good prosciutto, mozz, and red pepper samich on a hard italian roll
Di Cosmos in Linden...by linden lanes...the shiznit
i love fast food, and i almost bought fast food nation.
something tells me it was a wise descision not to do so.