Full Version: If there is but one rule I live by it's...
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will do. I will learn to live as I live to learn!!!
When at a party, always dip your balls in the mashed potatoes BEFORE you dip them in the gravy.
and then light yourself on fire. :5:
I (not me specifically, but the collective 'I') am more important than anyone else
I'm confused. How many of you are there?
When somone starts a sentence with "not for nothin" they are really saying "go fuck yourself and you are a moron". so prepare to be insulted by whatever follows.
Don't run from the inevitable. Man it up, and take yours.
Girls are just as shallow as guys when it comes to looks, and especially having a hot body. Moreso, because at least guys are upfront about it. can't make everyone happy.
Keyser will always be a day late.
"Being white is like always having $5 in your pocket. Being black is like always being $0.50 short." - Chris Rock
Kid Afrika Wrote:"Being white is like always having $5 in your pocket. Being black is like always being $0.50 short." - Chris Rock
I get it, thats like one of those "if bob has 3 apples, and jim has twice as many apples, how many apples would be left if Paxil Poppin Chub Chub ate half their apples?"

So that means k1d has 4.50
Doesn't he work in a cubicle for the man?
Yeah but he doesn't actually work, he just has conflicts with his white and black selves. He keeps on giving back the 50 cents to himself over and over. So he either has 5 bucks or is 50 cents short at all times.
Thank God my tan fades in a few months.

His is permanent.
lets hope your leg doesn't fade away as well.
I can have all you guys sign it!
Atleast you'll have a better excuse for missing all those pop flys in center field during the softball game.
You'll miss me when I'm gone.
I've grown used to missing you since you're captain busy pants too busy to call or hang with me.
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