Full Version: The laws of physics have ceased to be - at least in my apartment
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i've noticed this little occurance before, but today i really paid attention to the fact that the sink in my kitchen and my shower both drain the water counter-clockwise, however my toilet and the sink in my bathroom both drain clock-wise. i am pretty sure all of my apartment is above the equater so what gives? :30:
Maybe it isnt even, like if the floor of your shower is slightly tilter maybe it makes the water go down on one side first. :22:
Maybe your large penis affects the space-time continuum in your apartment...
IrishAlkey Wrote:Maybe your large penis affects the space-time continuum in your apartment...
you might be onto something there, but i'm gonna go with gravitational pull over space-time continuem. seems a little more realistic don't ya think. and for the record, my toilet goes anti clockwise and my sink does nothing...
Slightly tilter?

You made up that word.
Do you have that much spare time that you pay close attention to the way your water drains? If my tub drains and my toilet flushes, I consider myself good to go.
i'm guessing he was high and/or drunk
I had no idea the water was supposed to drain clock-wise :clueless:
as gomez would say, "you are dumb"
I bet he didn't know either!
that would be a sucker bet in most venues
You wanted to be a bookie, then book it.

I have no clue how water in my toilet drains, I don't usually look at the the toilet when I am done.
Quote:I don't usually look at the the toilet when I am done.
SHENANIGANS! Shenanigans is called!
I am too busy lookin at the toilet seat to see if I pissed or left any shit marks on it.
I ALWAYS look at what i accomplished. I assumed everyone did
Only after a really good shit, I stare at it for several minutes sometimes while flushing.

even then I dont look at the direction of the water, I stare at my accomplishment and bid it a final farewell.
see? i knew it!
Ok sometimes I do look.

I looked today but I had the runs so it looked like a bowl full of sludge. I wasn't able to make out which way the water was goin down.
shenanigans proves true once again. is there nothing shenanigans cant do? :19:
play the mandolin?
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