Full Version: Gun Ban = Police State
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Quote:Last time I met a girl's father, I said "piss" in the first five minutes.
you wild child :-o
It was an "scared the piss out of" not "I gotta piss". She was upset. I got no sex for three days and we were on vacation. Then we broke up afterwards.
I thought it would be "that was a wicked pissah"
I didn't GROW UP in Boston. I grew up on Cape Cod. Filled with tourists, little to no accent. Plus I have an education. Don't let The Real World on MTV dictate how you think Bostonians talk.
you are C.T.?
Galt Wrote:It was an "scared the piss out of" not "I gotta piss". She was upset. I got no sex for three days and we were on vacation. Then we broke up afterwards.
was it the fat chick who oozes gravy?
you've lost it permanently, haven't you?
you just knock em to knock em.
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