Full Version: Masturbation...It's not just for pleasure anymore. - It could help save your life
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Pages: 1 2
this thread reminds me of the good old days :thumbs-up:
when you were the old sleeper?
I approve of the path this thread has taken.

Carry on.
but now you have ruined it.
i predicted your reply
shouldnt you be in some fuddruckers singing along to "paradise by the dashboard light" on the jukebox?

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1058403761
atleast Keyser doesn't drive an i-roc
Quote:Edited by Arpikarhu on July 16 2003,9:02 pm

you worked really hard on that gem, did'ja?
hey gina, yoo sure got yoor hair teased up real good
mommy, can you make sure i get a snack pack with my lunch today?
mmmmmmmmmm, snack packs!
Paxil Poppin Chub Chub reminds me of a young arpi.
Keyser Soze Wrote:Paxil Poppin Chub Chub reminds me of a young arpi.
That was harsh.
i was never overweight. keyser is desperately reaching for some kind of insult and failing miserably
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